A Christian’s life is not about themselves. It’s about bringing glory to
God. We belong to God and live to bring Him glory.
To meditate/pray upon
John 17:10 “All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. And
glory has come to me through them.”
Matthew 5:16 ”Let your light shine before others, that they may see
your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”.
As Martin Luther said about Jesus’ claim that “all you have in mine”,
‘This no creature can
say with reference to God’.
Jesus is no creature! He is the creator God, owning and ruling all
This verse has particular reference to Christians: Jesus says, “All I have is yours, and all you have is
mine. And glory has come to me through them.” Christians’ belong to
God and bring Him glory.
Jesus is in no doubt that these first disciples, and all Christians will
bring Him glory.
We bring glory to God in many ways, but in this chapter we see that Christians
glorify God by believing in Jesus’ words.
They believe and obey the bible generally, but they believe about Jesus
being God’s Son and Saviour in particular (17:6 etc.)
A Christian lives to bring glory to God. We bear witness to who Jesus is
and we seek to live in ways that honour God every day.
Take a moment to express again your devotion to Christ and desire to
bring Him glory today.
You can catch up on all the messages in the
John series at:
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