Saturday 9 April 2016

A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough

09:49 Posted by Matthew Beaney No comments
Galatians 5:9 ‘A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.’

A little legalism or sin will work its way through a person bringing increasing destruction to their lives. Similarly, a little sin or false teaching, will work through a church community.

A person who tolerates sin will influence those around them; they will either be an active bad influence, or they will influence by being less than they should be (through the incapacitating effects of sin and bad teaching) and so the church will lack the benefit of their God-given gifts. 

Would you eat any part of a cake which had even a small piece of vial contaminant? Would one drink a sip of water that had the smallest amount of poison? The thought offends our imagination; how much more does our complacency offend our holy God!

We all sin, we all have as yet undiscovered inconsistencies in our understanding. The problem is when a people has a contingent who think that repentance is not essential. Are we striving for holiness and growth in knowledge? If we are, we will become ‘yeast that works through the whole batch’ causing it to rise!


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