Going deeper week 6 – Personal daily study notes on Jn. 20:24-31
The purpose of this gospel is expressed in
John 20:31,
‘But these are written that you
may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing
you may have life in his name.’
This preaching series has been about growing
in our love and faith in Christ so that we may enjoy life.
I believe that God wants us to know true life
during the days that we are alive, true life in heaven when we die, and a
future, eternal, resurrection life, when Jesus comes again.
The enjoyment of life starts and grows as we
choose to believe. Will we believe what He says, not in an academic sense but
in taking Jesus’ words to heart in our lives.
Monday: “Unless I
see…I will not believe”
Read John 20:24-25. Thomas,
despite Jesus’ promises and the testimony of the others, is not prepared to
believe without seeing and touching Jesus. He is like many of our friends who
have the same response to the gospel. What can we do? We can, at least, keep
praying, fully confident that Jesus is able to reveal Himself as He sees fit.
Tuesday: “Stop
Read John 20:26-27. Again, Jesus
miraculously appears to them. He says to Thomas, to us, and to our friends,
“Stop doubting and believe”. This historic event is recorded in order to base
our faith on the historic fact of Jesus’ death, resurrection and appearance. Jesus
encourages us today to be full of confidence.
Wednesday: “My Lord and My God”
Read John 20:28, 1:1. Thomas stops doubting and declares Jesus
to be “Lord and God”. This is one of
the clearest declarations of the deity of Jesus in the scriptures – Jesus is
God! But, let’s not miss Thomas’ response:
“my Lord…” Is Jesus your Lord? Have you submitted to His rule in your
Thursday: “Blessed are those who have not seen an yet
Read John 20:29. We live in an age when one cannot see Jesus
physically. We have these historical records, we have the testimony of others,
but we cannot reach out, like Thomas, and touch Jesus. Scientific and
historical theories are believed because they best fit the evidence. Some
suggest Jesus didn’t die; the disciples, or authorities stole the body, the
disciples hallucinated! But Resurrection best fits the evidence!
Friday: “Many other signs”
Read John 20:30. The
miracles that are recorded in this gospel are only a fraction of the works of
Jesus. Jesus was a teacher and miracle worker. His miracles authenticated His
claim to be the promised Saviour and King to Israel and the world. Jesus’ identity has not changed. He still
teaches and works miracles. Let’s keep praying with hope, even for the most
hopeless of situations.
Saturday: “These things are written that you may
believe and have life”
Read John 20:31. This gospel,
with its recorded teaching and miracles, is enough evidence for one to believe
in Jesus as the Messiah (Israel’s promised Saviour and King) and the Son of God
(God come in the flesh). Only those who will receive Jesus as such have ‘life
in His name’. The way is narrow! It’s not the church that is being unkind in
some way by this teaching; it’s God Himself who has declared Jesus to be the
only way to God. So Let’s be ready and active in sharing about Jesus with our
friends; but let’s not forget to rejoice that we have life, eternal life, in Jesus’
You can catch up on all the messages in the
John series at:
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