Going deeper week 4 – Personal daily study notes on Jn. 20:1-18
No one believes what Jesus has said about His
resurrection! Mary believes that Jesus’ body has been stolen; John and Peter
run to the tomb but ‘did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead’.
Slowly, through a
number of encounters, Jesus convinces them of the reality of the resurrection.
They go on a journey from mourning and fear, to joy and courage; the journey
that we are all on as we, daily, allow the truth of the resurrection to
saturate our perspective.
Monday: “They have
taken the Lord”
Read John 20:1-2, Mark 16:1-8. It is
probably the case that Mary Madeline runs back to the disciples, leaving the
other women at the tomb who have a meeting with an angel (Not recorded in
John). She declares, “They (Jesus’
enemies) have taken the Lord…” She was not expecting a resurrection! Let’s
not allow fear cause us to lose sight of the resurrection. “Where is Jesus?” you
ask, He is right here with you!
Tuesday: ‘They did
not understand’
Read John 20:3-10. Peter and
John run to the tomb. Finding it empty we read, ‘They still did not understand from Scripture that Jesus had to rise from
the dead’. Neither Peter nor
John were expecting a resurrection. Despite all that Jesus had said and the
testimony of these women, they fail to grasp what has happened. Are you living
in assurance of the resurrection? Ask God to deepen your faith and trust.
Wednesday: “I don’t know where they have put Him”
Read John
20:11-15. Mary returns to the tomb. Maybe she has not heard the
testimony of the other woman who remained behind and saw the angels (Matt.
28:5) or she is just overwhelmed with confusion and grief. Either way, she
doesn’t recognise Jesus who is ‘standing
there… she thinks He is the gardener ‘; Jesus wants to meet us where we
are. He comforts us through scripture, friends, sermons, a song etc. Let’s
expect and listen for His comfort; don’t dismiss Him as He speaks to you.
Thursday: “Mary”
Read John 20:16. When Jesus calls
her name, it finally dawns on her that Jesus is alive. Her grief and confusion
are dispelled with the revelation that Jesus is with her. We can know the
promises, we can hear of other people’s experiences, but have we met the risen
Jesus? And if so have we done so recently? We know that at least three other
women were with Mary, but God is focussing on her. God loves you and wants to
meet with you personally. Let’s ask the Spirit to fill us today with the
presence of the risen Jesus.
Friday: “Don’t hold on to me”
Read John 20:17, 16:5-7.
Jesus is telling Mary, and us, that although He is risen, His will not
be with us bodily, but by the Spirit. Mary holds on to Him, and we also may
wish that Jesus were here physically; but let’s remember, the physical Jesus
could only be with one person at a time! Now He is equally with all of us as
our loving God.
“I have seen the Lord”
Read John 20:18. Now Mary is convinced
that Jesus has risen from the dead as He had promised. Revelation is always accompanied by action – faith and action
always go together. Are you convinced that Jesus is alive? How is this being
seen in your life and relationships? Pray for grace to live as one who knows
the risen, Spirit giving, Saviour.
You can catch up on all the messages in the
John series at: